
IOIO micro controller plotter

Finally IOIO drawing robot!
Drawing robot based on IOIO micro controller that draws amazing artistic sketches – home made plotter, (and similar concept to KeerBot), see here.

IOIO micro controller drawing robot
IOIO micro controller drawing robot

Few months ago I found a very interesting piece of hardware, a micro controller called “IOIO” which was developed by a very talented engineer named Ytai Ben Tzvi. I even had the chance to join a free session he gave on the design and concept of it. Currently I am running my KeerBot project with Arduino, and it works, draws and can keep doing that forever – so why to bother and move the complete project to IOIO board (which instead of simple C code of Arduino works with Android) ??? (and I need to learn programming in Android too for that)

The thing is the great advantage of IOIO concept over Arduino – the lack of computer. after building a robot that is using an IOIO there is no need for computer in the loop !!! (the android device can do the job) which makes it just right for simple and light weight needs. I think now, after Ytai made it cleat that the IOIO can be used as a motor control hardware, Ill have to learn how to do it and implement it on the future of the KeerBot.

In the meanwhile – have a look at Ytai’s project, its really really nice, and if you are in the bay makers faire – this weekend, say hi for me.

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